Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Java Jazz 2010

after landed from Kuala Lumpur, first i went to lydia's house to congratulate for her proposal, then after that...at last, Java Jazz. free ticket, free meal nasi goreng GM, and free photobooth at citacinta.
Java Jazz kali ini di adakan di jakarta expo kemayoran. yang mana menurut gue lebih mirip kaya acara pekan raya jakarta ketimbang event musik jazz. this year java jazz for me is the worst. from the place to the performing artist. special shownya yang paling mendingan john legend..baby face, toni braxton, dan manhantan transfer. basi ya

tempatnya ga matching dengan acaranya. kebanyakan stand makanan. artistnya yang bukan special show juga ga jelas siapa. kalau boleh compare sama java jazz 2008 yg terakhir gue tonton di JHCC, jauh banget. dulu masih ada incognito, dsound, sama renee olstead dan mereka bukan special show loh. uda gitu, sinyal selama 2 hari pelaksanan java jazz susah bener. after all kalau bukan karena tiket gratis gue ga bakal mau nonton. but still thanking to @chantiques for the free ticket though.

pokonya after all...nothing much i can say for this year java jazz. i hope they will have better next year. especially more jazzy artist or they can bring michael buble to jakarta hahaha. i will definately come

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