Thursday, February 18, 2010

after a while... has been a while right..
i used to update everything like almost everyday, twitter, fb..and not forgeting this blog, but for the last two weeks, i cant!! i officially got a new bos. just like what i wanted before. wanting this position badly. and so word *capek*.

not just me..everyone in this office have their new big bos. seseorang yg jelas, detail, dependable, business school of harvard gratuated, cant live a day without secretary, and thank God he has a smiley friendly face..hahaha. currrently he is on business trip, thats why i can have my little update time.

and then what happen to my previous bos??

he will be leaving shortly. next week. oooww...kacian. after what happen yesterday dengan sesama petinggi2 itu, i am even more respect him. as a decent humble man. i hope he will deserve the best in everything.

terus...yg terjadi setelah pulang kantor, gue kecapekan. inget donk bo..kondisi gue yang baru aja sembuh..masih aja dalam proses recovery..belum bisa capek2 aja gitu. yang ada weekend kemarin gue pengen leyeh2 dan tidur aja di rumah ga kemana2. padahal ada acara lepas lajang temen gue. selain harus bayar 300 ribu..yang gue jg ga rela..gue jg jadinya males kemana-mana. yaa itung2 sekarang wiken gue walalupun di rumah lebih bermakna gitu loh hahahaha.

satu lagi...cuti gue for 4-5 maret, berhasil di approve bos baru. he problem. are you going somewhere? he asked. yeah...i just cant wait to get the hell out of here and have my vacation. hahaha. no...i did not said that.!! yup....i definately cant wait

oh ya..last weekend i went to PS then having a late lunch at Marche. i really like it a lottttt. tempatnya lucu..looks so fresh, and taste nice, tapi harganya aja yg ga lucu. after that i bought a little purple dress for 129.000 at metro. ahhh senang...duit habis.

now..gue mau setting account blog gue biar bisa di baca lagi seperti biasa. selama ini gue setting cuman gue sendiri yang bisa baca. maklum...lagi ngambek. kirain orang2 pada hilang kemana. yaaa emang hilang sih...namanya jg uda punya dunia dan kesibukannya. jadi gue sendiri juga sibuk sendiri ahhh.

at last...gue sekarang bisa bilang...acid sibuk..acid ga ada waktu....emang waktu aku cuma buat kamu...kamu....kamu....hhahaha. halalaghhhhhh basi tenan!!!


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