Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Glimpse of Firenze

Perjalanan kita di Italy berlanjut ke Florence. I'm so excited to visit this city for sure. Compare to Milan, atau Rome or maybe Venice, Florence seems less resounding. Dan jarang ada di agenda tour & travelnya Indonesia. Kecuali yang mau ke menara Pisa yaa. That's why i'm so looking forward untuk menginjakan kaki di tempat ini. Walaupun banyak tourist juga, dan mostly gw banyak lihat tourist Jepang, tapi kota ini terlihat ramah dan indah di setiap sudutnya. Now, Florence become one of my favorite cities in Italy. If i have the chance to visit this city again, gue pengen banget exploring the Tuscany Vineyard and taste its local wine. Tapi karena ini perjalanan sangat singkat, we try to get the best of it. Salah satunya no other than Florence Cathedral. Selebihnya apa aja yang kena, abis musti ngejar kereta ke Pisa siangnya. 

Oh ya kita berangkat dari Milan menuju Florence pagi hari masih menggunakan Trenitalia. Semua ticket kereta kita beli online sebelum keberangkatan. Very easy. 
Karena perjalanan ke Florence dari Milan hanya memakan waktu 1,5 jam, maka jam 9 kita sudah tiba di Firenze Santa Mara Novela station. Letak penginapan kami pun ga jauh dari station. As you we are on the move, jadi penting banget buat gue cari hotel yang deket dengan station. This time we stayed at Air bnb, booked via Agoda, dan surprisingly bagus banget. I will review it later on the separate post. 

No need to take bus or tram, just walk and you will enjoy it. Sepanjang jalan menuju Florence Cathedral terdapat bangunan2 tua yang cantik, restaurant, branded store, another gelato and pizza, dan banyak yang jual leather di pinggir jalan, dari tas kulit, jacket kulit, dompet kulit. Foods are also delicious. Jangan ngiler ya kalau lihat food display restaurant sepanjang jalan. Pasti laper mata.

If you only have a few hours like us just walk through the area of Florence Cathedral, go further until you find Piazza della Signoria. Kalau masih ada waktu dan belum capek jalan, bisa terus ke Ponte Vecchio. For us, we prefer to sit at one of the trip advisor recommendation restaurant, and enjoying slices of pizza, vanilla chocolate pudding and strawberry & cream. Nothing gets better than that. 
And after taking a glimpse of this city for a little while, we then need to head back to the station, and catch regional train to Pisa. Yes, do stay in Florence when you want to visit Pisa. It's only 45mins by train. 

 So, cheers for Firenze. Hope to see you again, someday

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